Look for us every ASTRO, where we look forward to connecting with former mentors, colleagues and alumni! We look forward to our annual residency alumni dinner at ASTRO this year, on October 2, 2023.
Saturday, September 30
1:43 pm – 1:54 pm
ARRO Annual Seminar; Location: Room 29
Speaker: Winkfield K. Radiation Oncologists as Leaders: Career Paths Beyond the Field
Sunday, October 1
1:00 pm – 1:15 pm
PS 02 – Presidential Symposium Session II: Diversity in Clinical Trials; Location: Ballroom 20
Panelist: Winkfield K
Monday, October 2
10:45 am – 12:00 pm
Poster Q&A 02 – Central Nervous System & Palliative; Location: Hall B2
Byrd H, Kirschner A, Kohutek Z, Osmundson E. Functional outcomes and toxicities associated with SBRT to bone metastases involving the joint space
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Poster Q&A 03 – Breast Cancer & Nonmalignant Disease; Location: Hall B2
Johns C, Kwon J, Rahimi AS, Liu Y, Cauble M, Alluri PG, Arbab M, Nwachukwu C, Kim DK. Racial different in outcomes in breast cancer patients with residual nodal disease after neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Rahimi A, Kim DK, Leitch M, Nichols E, Gu X, Parsons D, Lu W, Becker SJ, Alluri P, Nwachukwu C, Ahn C, Zhang Y, Spangler A, Farr D, Woolridge R, Bahrami S, Stojadinovic S, Lieberman M, Hardee S, Timmerman RD. Multi-institutional phase II trial using dose escalated five fraction stereotactic partial breas irradiation with GammaPod for early stage breast cancer
Kazemimoghadam M, Yang Z, Chen M, Rahimi A, Kim DK, Alluri P, Nwachukwu C, Lu W, Gu X. A comprehensive deep learning framework for automatic target volumes segmentation in post-operative stereotactic partial breast irradiation
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Poster Q&A 4 – Biology and PRO; Location: Hall B2
Simmons A, Sher D, Kim DK, Leitch M, Hans J, Gu X, Ahn C, Gao A, Spangler A, Morgan HE, Farr D, Woolridge R, Seiler S, Goudreau S, Bahrami S, Neufeld S, Mendez C, Leiberman M, Timmerman RD, Rahimi A. Financial toxicity and patient reported outcomes on a phase I single fraction stereotactic partial breast irradiation protocol for early stage breast cancer
Tuesday, October 3
10:15 am – 11:30 am
Special Session: Awards Ceremony; Location: Ballroom 20
Recognition of Dr. Karen Winkfield, 2023 ASTRO Fellow – Congratulations!
3:30 pm – 3:50 pm
Special Session: Late-Breaking Abstracts; Location: Room 6B
Rahimi A, Leitch M, Dogan B, Alluri PG, Farr D, Arbab M, Seiler S, Kim DK, Woolridge R, Unni N, Nwachukwu CR, Patel I, Zhang Y, Lu W, Parsons DDM, Nguyen A, Chiu TD, Morgan HE, McArthur HL, Sahoo S, Timmerman RD. Early results of a phase I pre-operative single fraction ablative trial for early stage breast cancer
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Peds 2: Reducing Late Effects and Improving Through Advanced Techniques and Novel Approaches; Location: Room 2
Moderator: Luo L
4:02 pm – 4:13 pm
Panel 18: ASTRO/ADROP Joint Session – Employing Equity in Residency Recruitment and Cultivating a Culture of Inclusion; Location: Room 32
Speaker: Gaines D. Gender, race and ethnicity on the resident experience
Wednesday, October 4
8:15 am – 8:20 am
Physics 9: Dosimetry & QA; Location: Room 7
Gonzalez Y, Chen L, Lee H, Kim DK, Arbab M, Alluri P, Zhang Y, Chiu Y, Iqbal Z, Zhuang T, Cai B, Kim H, Park YK, Timmerman R, Lin M, Rahimi I, Parsons D. Dosimetric comparison of adaptive radiotherapy modalities for stereotactic partial breast irradiation. *Awarded Annual Meeting Basic Transitional Award in Physics (top 1.5% of 2000 abstracts)
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Physics 10: Autocontouring and Clinical Outcomes; Location: Room 5
Moderator: Yock A
10:30 am – 11:45 am
Poster Q&A 09 – Head & Neck Cancer; Location: Hall B2
Darrow K, McComas KN, Rajkumar A, Dove A, Kluwe C, Murphy B, Gilbert J, Sinard R, Netterville J, Lockney N, Cmelak A. Definitive chemoradiation with concurrent carboplatin and paclitaxel for HPV-mediated oropharyngeal cancer: survival and local control.
McComas K, Darrow K, Rajkumar A, Dove A, Kluwe C, Netterville J, Murphy B, Cmelak A. Tailoring radiation to the contralateral neck for midline HPV-mediated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
12:30 pm – 1:45 pm
Poster Q&A 10 – Physics; Location: Hall B2
Ding G and Homann K. Can a 10 MV-FFF photon beam be used in stereotactic thalamotomy to reduce beam delivery times: a dosimetric evaluation
Kwon YS, Parsons D, Kim DK, Lu W, Gu X, Stojadinovic S, Alluri P, Arbab M, Montalvo S, Lin M, Chen L, Gonzalez Y, Chiu T, Timmerman R, Zhang U, Rahimi A. Assessment of cardiac radiation dose in the Co-60 prone based stereotactic partial breast irradiation using the distance from the heart to the planning target volume as a surrogate marker
Underline denotes presenting author for abstracts
Bold denotes current member of VUMC, Department of Radiation Oncology
Saturday, October 22
Presenter: Dr. Dakim Gaines
10:10am: Hemisfair Ballroom C1
Opening Remarks by the ARRO Executive Committee
12:45pm: Hemisfair Ballroom C1
Presentation of ARRO Faculty Global Health Award
Monday, October 24
Poster Presentation: Dr. Jill De Vis
10:45 am – 11:45 am: Poster Session Q&A 2; Exhibit Hall 1; Number 2112
De Vis JB, Jean-Baptiste S, Abernathy K, Pham HH, Cass AS, Osmundson CC. Radiation Necrosis Risk in NSCLC Patients Receiving EGFR TKIs or ALK Inhibitors
Session Moderator: Dr. Leo Luo
10:45am – 11:45 am: Room 303
QP 06 Pediatrics – Refining the Therapeutic Ratio in Pediatric Radiation Oncology
Poster Presentation: Dr. Jill De Vis
3pm – 4pm: Poster Session Q&A 3; Exhibit Hall 1; Number 2003
De Vis JB, Balbach ML, Sherry AD, Newman NB, Chakravarthy AB, Rafat M. Body Composition as a Biomarker for Disease Recurrence in Patients with Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Poster Presentation: Dr. Dakim Gaines
5pm – 6pm: Poster Session Q&A 4; Exhibit Hall 1; Number 3133
Gaines DK, Wolf M, Rathmell WK. Immune Cell Stimulation Primes Tumor Cells for Radiation Effect
Poster Presentation: Shelby Crants, Medical Student
5pm – 6pm: Poster Session Q&A 4; Exhibit Hall 1
Crants SA, Olson SS, Li Y, Bejan CA, Bick A, Luo L. Radiation Therapy and Subsequent Clonal Hematopoiesis: An Analysis of a Biorepository of 89,782 Patients
Tuesday, October 25
Presenter: Dr. Karen Winkfield
10:35am: Stars at Night Ballroom
Awards Ceremony Session
Poster Presentation: Dr. Samuel Jean-Baptiste
4pm – 5pm: Poster Session Q&A 7; Exhibit Hall 1; Number 2246
Jean-Baptiste S, Pham HH, McCoy A, Wright A, Shinohara AT. Electronic Health Record Patient Portal Use in Radiotherapy Treated Patients in the Era of COVID-19; Who’s Getting Left Behind?
Session Moderator: Dr. Zak Kohutek
4pm – 5pm: Room 304
QP 15 Palliative 2 - Honing the SABR for Oligometastatic Disease and Beyond
Wednesday, October 26
Poster Presentation: Dr. Kyra McComas
10:30am – 11:30am: Poster Q&A 9; Exhibit Hall 1; Number 2732
McComas KN, Darrow KR, Yock A, Shinohara ET. Online Adaptive Radiotherapy and Opportunity Cost
Poster Presentation: Dr. Jayden (Curry) Gracie
10:30am – 11:30am: Poster Q&A 9; Exhibit Hall 1; Number 2750
Curry J, Holtzman AL, Dagan R, Bryant CM, Morris CG, Mendenhall WM. Impact of Mandated Online Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on Opiate Analgesic Use and Patient-Reported Pain during Radiotherapy for Oropharyngeal Cancer
Poster Presentation: Dr. George Ding
12:30pm – 1:30pm: Poster Q&A 10; Exhibit Hall 1; Number 3282
Ding GX, Homann KL. Dosimetric Benefits with a Lower Energy Photon Beam in Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Sunday, 10/24
- Dr. Karen Winkfield: PS 02 - Presidential Symposium: Session II - Digital Health to Improve Patient Outcomes and Experience - 9:25 AM (Room W375 a/b/c/d)
- Dr. Karen Winkfield: Panel Discussion with Moderators and Presenters - 10:10 AM (Room W375 a/b/c/d)
Monday, 10/25
- Dr. Anne Rajkumar: Optimizing STING Activity in Prostate Cancer Pre-Clinical Models - 11:00-12:15 AM (Outside Room W375)
- Dr. Ryan Whitaker: Prolonged Time of Lung Collapse Associated with Decreased Recovery of Functional Lung Following Palliative Radiotherapy - 11:30-12:30 PM (Room W179 a/b)
Dr. Bapsi Chak: Trust but Verify: Quality Assurance and Quality of Life in GI Cancers - 2:00 PM (Room W375e)
Tuesday, 10/26
- Ellen Miller MSN, FNP-BC: Enhancing Follow Up Capacity and Quality at a High-Volume Academic Satellite Practice Through Integration of an Advanced Practice Provider - 8:30 AM (Outside Room W375)
- Dr. Adam Yock: SS 17 - Phys 3 - Novel Planning and Treatment Techniques - 1:30 PM (Room W185 a/b/c/d)
- Dr. Ryan Whitaker: Bridging Academia and Industry for Medical Care: Presentations by ASTRO-Industry Radiation Oncology Research Training Fellows - 2:45-3:00 PM (Digital XP onDemand)
- Dr. Ryan Whitaker: Identification of Clinical Predictors of Benefit of Palliative Thoracic Radiotherapy - 3:30-4:45 PM (Outside Room W375)
Wednesday, 10/27
- Dr. Brian Bingham: Time Driven Activity Based Costing as a Method for Estimating the Practice-Level and National Cost Burden of Treatment-Related Prior Authorization for Academic Radiation Oncology Practices - 8:00-9:00 AM (Room W187 a/b/c)
- Dr. George Ding: Skin Dose Distributions from Total Skin Electron Irradiation Therapy (TSET) - 10:30 AM (Outside Room W375)
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Session Title: Latin America ASTRO "Advanced Gynecologic tumors and the role of brachytherapy" (Spanish Language)
Diandra Ayala-Peacock
Session Type: International
Date: Saturday, September 14, 2019
Session Time: 2:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Room W181
Track: InternationalSunday, September 15, 2019
Title: Post-Radiotherapy Inflammation Predicts Recurrence and Mortality in Stage I-III Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
All authors: Sherry AD, Newman NB, Mayer I, Chakravarthy AB, Rafat M
Presenter: Sherry AD
Type of presentation: Poster
Day: Sunday Sept 15
Time: 1pm-2:30Title: Combining Adjuvant Radiotherapy with Capecitabine Appears to be Safe and Feasible for Chemotherapy-Resistant Breast Cancer
All authors: Sherry AD, Mayer I, Ayala-Peacock D, Abramson V, Rexer B, Chakravarthy AB
Presenter: Sherry AD
Type of presentation: Poster
Day: Sunday Sept 15
Time: 1pm-2:30Drapek, L, Conklin, RW, Shinohara, E, Schmid, J, Vance, S, Zywine, C, Millar B. Integration of Advanced Practice Providers in Radiation Oncology.
Panel Session
September 15, 2019. 1:15pmTitle: Prospective Observational Trial of Low Dose Total Skin Electron Therapy for Mycosis Fungoides Using Rotisserie Technique
All authors: Neil B Newman, Chirayu Patel, Austin Kirschner
Presenter: Neil Newman
Type of presentation: Poster
Day: Sunday 09/15
Time: 1:15-2:00pmTitle: Postoperative Seroma Formation Following Intraoperative Electronic Brachytherapy for Early Stage Breast Cancer
All authors: Benjin Facer, Chris Brett, Manuel Morales, Ana Grau, Raeshell Sweeting, Ingrid Meszoely, Bapsi Chakravarthy
Presenter: Benjin Facer
Type of presentation: Electronic Poster
Day: Sunday 9/15
Time: 1:15 PMTitle: Palliative Radiotherapy Given Concurrently or Within 4 Weeks of Initiation of Immunotherapy is Associated with Sustained Clinical Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Patients With Stage IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
All Authors: RM Whitaker, EA Gillaspie, L Horn, and EC Osmundson
Presenter: Ryan Whitaker
Type of Presentation: Poster
Day: Sunday, September 15th
Time: 1:15 - 2:30 PMAbstract Title: Mean Cardiopulmonary Dose and Vertebral Marrow Dose Differentially Predict Lineage-Specific Cytopenia Kinetics During Radiotherapy for Esophageal Cancer
Presenter: Joshua Anderson
Author Block: Joshua Anderson, Neil Newman, Chelsea Anderson, Alexander Sherry, Evan Osmundson
Scientific Session Title: GI 1 - Esophagogastric Cancers
Type: Oral Presentation
Session Date/Time: September 15, 4:45PM-6:00PMMonday, September 16, 2019
Title: Radiation-Induced Malignancy following Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Benign Intracranial Pathology
All authors: Sherry AD, Bingham B, Kim E, Luo G, Chambless L, Cmelak A
Presenter: Sherry AD
Type of presentation: Poster
Day: Monday Sept 16
Time: 10:30am-12pmTitle: Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Treatment of Paragangliomas: A Tertiary Medical Center’s 17 Year Experience.
All authors: Anderson JL, Khattab MH, Sherry AD, Luo G, Attia A, Cmelak AJ.
Presenter: Joshua L. Anderson
Type of presentation: Poster
September 16th
Time: 10:45 amTitle: Prophylactic Limbo: How Low Can We Go on HPV+OPSCC Prophylactic Nodal Coverage?
Christien Kluwe, Benjin Facer, Neil Newman, Stephanie Dudzinski, Anthony Cmelak
Presenter: Christien Kluwe
Poster Viewing Q&A Session Time: September 16 - 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Faigin, C, Conklin, RW, Drapek, L, Schmid, J. ASTRO’s Annual Meeting Education Committee presents Break Through the Taboo: Discussing Intimacy and Sexuality with Female Cancer Patients.
Panel Session
September 17, 2019. 8AMTitle: Treatment of Cancer for Patients Experiencing Homelessness
Presenter: Brian Bingham
Author block: Brian Bingham, Benjin Facer, Camille Ivey, Evan Osmundson
Poster Viewing Q&A Session Time: Reach out to Brian for viewing session time.
Track: Health Services Research
1-2:15 PM on Tuesday 9/17/2019Title: Patterns of Referral and Their Relationship to Patterns of Care for Localized Prostate Cancer: A Single Large Tertiary Care Academic Medical Center Experience
Presenter: Ellen Kim, Greg Twork, Lisa Kachnic, Jeremy Warner
Poster Viewing Q&A Session Time: September 17 - 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.Title: Modulation of Glutamine Metabolism Sensitizes Lung Cancer Xenografts to Radiation
Christien Kluwe, Chirayu Patel, Yong Zou, Neil Newman, Pierre Massion
Presenter: Christien Kluwe
Poster Viewing Q&A Session Time: September 17 - 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.Title: Inflammation with Lymphopenia during Chemoradiotherapy Predicts Recurrence and Mortality in Locally Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma
Presenter: Alexander Sherry
Author block: Alexander Sherry, Neil Newman, Joshua Anderson, Evan Osmundson
Poster Viewing Q&A Session Time: Tuesday, September 17
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM
Track: Gastrointestinal CancerTitle: Patterns of Referral and Their Relationship to Patterns of Care for Localized Muscle Invasive Bladder Carcinoma (MIBC): A Single Large Tertiary Care Academic Medical Center Experience
Presenter: Ellen Kim, Greg Twork, Lisa Kachnic, Jeremy Warner
Poster Viewing Q&A Session Time: September 17 - 2:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.Title: Prospective Observational Trial of an Absorbable Hydrogel Spacer in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy: Quality of Life and Dosimetric Outcomes
All authors: Neil B Newman, Ryan Cleary, Eric Shinohara, Austin Kirschner
Presenter: Neil Newman
Type of presentation: Poster
Day: Tuesday 09/17
Time: 2:45-4 pmWednesday, September 18, 2019
Session Title: GI 5- Esophagogastric Cancers
Session Type: Scientific
Moderator: Diandra Ayala-Peacock
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Session Time: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Room: Room W187
Track: Gastrointestinal CancerPanel: The Evolving Role of Fractionation in Early Stage Breast Cancer
Panel Moderator/Chair: A. Bapsi Chakrvarthy, MD, FASTRO
Speakers: A. Brunt, MBBS David Wazer, MD, FASTRO, Benjamin Smith, MD, FASTRO
Session Type: Panel
Date and Time: 09/18/2019, 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2018
"Applying for jobs: a panel discussion"
Moderator: Lisa Kachnic
2:19 - 2:20 PM, ARRO Annual Seminar, Hemisfair Ballroom 3Sunday, October 21, 2018
Lisa Kachnic
7:45 - 7:55 AM, Stars at Night Ballroom"SU_36_2358 - Intrinsic resistance of V-SVZ neural stem cells subjected to concurrent daily radiation and temozolomide therapy"
Brent Cameron, Geri Traver, Daniel Dean, Levi Johnson, Madelyn Fahhoum, Konjeti Sekhar, Jialiang Wang, Michael Freeman
1:15 - 2:45 PM, Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3"SU_6_2061 - Pilot study of potential activation of c-MYC by aurora kinase A in everolimus-resistant localized esophageal cancer treated with XELOX followed by carboplatin/radiation"
Nabil Saba, Seth Force, Charley Staley, Felix Fernandez, Field Willingham, Allan Pickens, Kenneth Cardona, Zhengjia Chen, Laura Gof, Eric Lambright, Jon Nesbitt, Kristin Higgins, R Donald Harvey, Taofeek Owonikoko, Suresh Ramalingam, Dong Sin, Jonathan Beitler, Bassel El-Rayes, Jerome Landry, Safia Salaria, Wael El-Rifai, A Bapsi Chakravarthy
1:15 - 2:45 PM, Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3"MO_15_2852 - Radiation dose escalation for localized ependymoma"
Jennifer Vogel
10:45 - 12:15 PM, Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3"SU_9_2086 - Dose dependent association of vertebral body irradiation and lymphopenia during chemoradiation for esophageal cancer"
Neil Newman, Christopher Brett, Chirayu Patel, Albert Attia, Evan Osmundson, Lisa Kachnic
1:15 - 2:45 PM, Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3"CT 01 - Clinical Trials Session"
Lisa Kachnic
3:14 - 4:45 PM, Stars at Night BallroomMonday, October 22, 2018
"MO_20_2607 - Efficacy of SBRT for local control in recurrent and metastastic sarcoma"
Christopher Brett, Neil Newman, Ellen Kim, Elizabeth Jeans, Eric Shinohara
10:45 - 12:15 PM, Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3"MO_7_2637 - Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for vestibular schwannoma: longitudinal audiologic assessment in single and fractionated treatments"
Mohamed Khattab, David Wharton, Ellen Kim, Lola Chambless, Kyle Weaver, Guozhen Luo, Adam Yock, Manuel Morales, Albert Attia, Anthony Cmelak
10:45 - 12:15 PM, Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3"MO_7_2641 - Stereotactic radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma: longitudinal radiographic outcomes single and fracionated treatments"
Mohamed Khattab, David Wharton, Ellen Kim, Lola Chambless, Kyle Weaver, Guozhen Luo, Adam Yock, Manuel Morales, Albert Attia, Anthony Cmelak
10:45 - 12:15 PM, Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3"103 - Neuropsychological outcomes of pediatric brain tumor patients treated with proton (PRT) or x-ray (XRT) radiation therapy"
J Gross, S Powell, F Zelko, W F Hartsell, S Goldman, J Fangusaro, R luila, N Pillay Smiley, John Han-Chih Chang, V Gondi
11:25 - 11:35 AM, Room 008"PL 01 - Plenary Session"
Lisa Kachnic
2:15 - 3:45 PM, Stars at Night BallroomTuesday, October 23, 2018
"TU_5_3166 - Total Body Irradiation (TBI) with organ sparing utilizing both Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) and electronic compensator"
Guozhen Luo, Evan Osmundson, George Ding
1:00 - 2:30 PM, Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3"TU_38_3696 - Outcomes of T1-2 N0 M0 small cell lung cancer treated with either conventionally fractionated chemoradiotherapy or stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT): a national cancer database study"
Neil Newman
2:45 - 4:15 PM, Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3"TU_34_3015 - Obesity predicts poor outcomes to stereotactic radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia"
Mohamed Khattab, Alexander Sherry, Joshua Anderson, Ellen Kim, Hong Yu, Guozhen Luo, Manuel Morales, Anthony Cmelak, Albert Attia
1:00 - 2:30 PM, Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3"174 - Small cell carcinoma of the cervix: definitive chemoradiation for locally advanced disease"
Amishi Bajaj, M Frumovitz, B martin, A jhingran, K V Albuquerque, A Yen, EL Jones, DKK Gaffney, MC Christensen, Diandra Ayala-Peacock, DM Wharton, S Jolly, P Kale, K Ryan, K Nieto, MM Hardkenrider, W Small Jr.
2:20 - 2:30 PM, Room 007 A/B"1124 - Immortal time bias in post-operative radiation studies utilizing the national cancer data base"
Neil Newman, Evan Osmundson
5:27 - 5:33 PM, Room 217 A/B
Saturday, September 23, 2017
"Applying for jobs: a panel discussion"
Moderator: Lisa Kachnic
1:00 PM, ARRO Annual SeminarSunday, September 24, 2017
"Prognostic factors in patients with renal cell carcinoma and brain metastases"
Paul Sperduto, Brian Deegan, Jing Li, Krishan Jethwa, Paul Brown, Natalie Lockney, Kathryn Beal, Niteshkumar Rana, Albert Attia, Ryan Shanley, Emil Lou, Amir Zahra, John Buatti, Jason Molitoris, James Yu, Veronica Chiang, Giuseppina Laura Masucci, David Roberge, Adam Olson, John Kirkpatrick, Steve Braunstein, Penny Sneed, Diana Shi, Helen
1:15-2:45 PM, CNS ePoster discussion 1 - brain metastases"Clinical trials session"
Moderators: Benjamin Movsas, Lisa Kachnic
3:15-4:45 PM, Ballroom 20"Controversies in the treatment of benign CNS tumors: a case-based panel session"
Moderators: Albert Attia, Lia Halasz
4:45-6:15 PM, Room 2, Panel sessionMonday, September 25, 2017
"Meet the expert -- Gastrointestinal"
Expert: Lisa Kachnic
10:15-10:45 AM, Hall B2-G"Plenary session"
Moderators: Benjamin Movsas, Lisa Kachnic
2:15-3:45 PM, Ballroom 20Tuesday, September 26, 2017
"NRG Oncology/RTOG 0529: long-term outcomes of dose-painted intensity modulated radiation therapy, 5-fluorouracil, and mitomycin-C in anal canal cancer"
Lisa Kachnic
7:45 AM or 8:45 AM, Room 1 A/B"Advances in supportive oncology for patients undergoing radiation and chemotherapy for cancers of the head and neck"
Moderators: Kenneth Niermann, Barbara Murphy
1:00-2:30 PM, Room 31 A/B/C, Panel sessionPalliative care oral presentations
Mark Stavas, Ben Li
1:00-2:30 PM, Room 3"ASTRO-ABR joint session: MOC part 3: demise of the secure examination and what's on the horizon to replace it"
Lisa Kachnic
4:45-6:15 PM, Room 30 A/B/C"A prospective, observational trial of linac-based stereotactic radiosurgery for essential tremor and parkinsonian tremor"
Brent Cameron, Li Wang, Anthony Joseph Cmelak, Guozhen Luo, Hong Yu, Peter Hedera, Fenna Phibbs, Joseph Neimat, Austin Kirschner
4:45-6:15 PM, CNS 1 - high grade gliomas, neurotoxicity and benign CNS conditions. Oral presentation.Palliative care ePoster discussion
Mark Stavas
4:45-6:15 PM, Room 5BWednesday, September 27, 2017
"Immune checkpoint inhibition with radiotherapy causes an abscopal treatment effect for castrate-resistant prostate cancer"
Austin Kirschner, Jian Wang
11:00-12:30 PM, Biology 5 - immune response I. Oral presentation."The impact of radiation field size on long-term all-cause mortality of stage I-II Hodgkin lymphoma patients."
Chirayu Patel, Evan Michaelson, Yu-Hui Chen, Barbara Silver, Karen Marcus, Mary Ann Stevenson, Peter Mauch, Andrea Ng.
11:00-12:30 PM, Hematologic 2 - improving patient selection, leading to new indications. Oral presentation.